Upcoming Events

The Next Level of Protection of Conservation Lands
Chris Pague will share conservation challenges and recent successes of the Southern High Plains Initiative, from the perspective of his decades of experience with ecology, natural history, conservation biology, and conservation planning, including 30+ years with The Nature Conservancy.
Photo Credit: Chris Page at Maverick Ranch in SE Colorado Canyonlands/Grasslands, by Kate Shorrock.

Prairie Rattlesnakes: Guardians of the Grasslands
Learn about the value of Prairie Rattlesnakes and other reptiles and amphibians in our ecosystems, and meet a few live representatives!.
NOTE: This program will be offered in-person only. Attendance will be limited and registration will be required.
Photo credit: Prairie Rattlesnake in defensive posture on road, by Cameron Young.

The American Goatsuckers: Legend, Lore and the Lives of Our Nightjars
Explore America’s nightjars with cultural sociologist Jared Del Rosso.
Eastern Whip-poor-will photo by Tom Murray, https://flic.kr/p/WqXsYi, CC BY-NC 2.0, Some Rights Reserved

Spring 2025 Speaker Series Preview
Preview the speakers for the spring 2025 programs season.
Starting in 2020, many programs were recorded and are available to view on the BCAS YouTube channel. The channel includes playlists for each fall/spring program series.

Bumblebees and Other Pollinators of the Front Range
Join pollinator researchers Carol Kearns and Diana Oliveras to learn about their field work, how human activities negatively affect bumblebees and native insects, and strategies to help native bees
Photo of Bombus huntii by Diana Oliveras.

Why We “Band” Birds with Meredith McBurney
Data collected at banding stations have greatly increased our understanding of migratory routes and timings, species’ range limits, average lifespans, and how all these life-history characteristics may be changing over time.
Photo of Meredith showing students a banded bird.
An Evening of Wildlife Comedy with Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald
Kevin's comedy will have us laughing at animal antics and re-thinking the wildlife around us. Ticketed Event! See full description for details.
Photo by Ingo Hamann. Laughing Out Loud. Comedy Wildlife Awards Finalist.
North Boulder County Wildlife Crossings Project- US 36 between Boulder and Lyons
Learn about plans for wildlife crossings along Highway 36 between Boulder and Lyons, from project leader and Boulder County Parks and Open Space wildlife biologist Susan Spaulding. Prior to Susan's talk, Alexander Howard will talk for ten minutes about his experience at the Hog Island birding camp, sponsored by a scholarship from BCAS.
Photo of elk crossing Highway 36 north of Boulder, courtesy of Susan Spaulding.

Impacts of the East Troublesome Fire on the bird community of Rocky Mountain National Park
Dr. Jacob Job explores avian diversity at sites within and outside of the East Troublesome fire burn scar. Prior to Dr. Job's talk, Peyton Jackson will speak over Zoom for ten minutes about his Hog Island birding camp experience, sponsored by a scholarship from BCAS.
This program will be offered both in person and online.
Photo of East Troublesome fire area by Dr. Jacob Job.

Fall 2024 Speaker Series Preview
Preview the speakers for the fall 2024 programs season.
Starting in 2020, many programs were recorded and are available to view on the BCAS YouTube channel. The 2020-2021 recorded speaker series programs playlist is here, the 2021-2022 playlist is here, the 2022-2023 playlist is here, and the 2023-2024 playlist is here.

The Staples, Snacks and Splurges of Colorado’s Hungry Birds
NOTE: This program will be offered in person only.
Learn about the wild foods that Colorado’s birds eat and how your observations can help bird conservation.
Photo of American Robin with food for nestling by Dave Leatherman.
A Tale of Two Pikas: from dueling subspecies to dueling visions of the future for an alpine icon
Enjoy adorable photos of the small and charismatic American pika while learning about the diverse habitats they occupy and what their future may look like with climate change.
Photo of American pika by Chris Ray.
This program will be offered both in person and online.

Connecting Cultures in Conservation
Join us in exploring how Environment for the Americas works across the Western Hemisphere to conserve migratory birds, and develops World Migratory Bird Day, a global celebration of migratory birds and their conservation. Learn about local World Migratory Bird Day events and the connection of the 2024 theme “Protect Insects, Protect Birds” to population trends in insectivorous birds.
Photo of male Rufous Hummingbird by Jonathan Major.
This program will be offered both in person and online.

Three Billion Birds Lost… and Counting: How we stop the decline and bring them back.
Take a dive into the findings regarding grassland birds, and discuss how conservation organizations, landowners, government agencies and other stakeholders have responded to the 3 billion birds report . We’ll share the latest on what Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and other conservation organizations are doing to address grassland bird declines through our on-the-ground work in the U.S. and Mexico and through various international initiatives like the Central Grasslands Roadmap.

Spring 2024 Speaker Series Preview
Preview the speakers for the spring 2024 programs season.
Starting in 2020, many programs were recorded and are available to view on the BCAS YouTube channel. The 2020-2021 recorded speaker series programs playlist is here, the 2021-2022 playlist is here, and the 2022-2023 playlist is here.
Remote Camera Technology: Insights into Boulder’s Wildlife
Remote, motion-activated cameras have become an essential tool for those who study and monitor wildlife. The cameras reveal wildlife use of highway underpasses, document the presence of elusive creatures like the northern river otter and ringtail, and are used to determine the presence/absence of the Federally threatened Preble’s meadow jumping mouse.
This program will be offered in-person and online.
Gaia Theory – Model and Metaphor for the 21st Century
Explore new scientific understandings of Earth as a living system with naturalist Martin Ogle, accompanied by musicians from the Boulder Philharmonic.
Photo courtesy of Martin Ogle.

Documentary Film: Mighty Oak, and A Tribute to Oakleigh Thorne II
Join Boulder County Audubon for a showing of the documentary film Mighty Oak: A Tribute to Oakleigh Thorne II, with honored guests Oak Thorne plus Pam Hoge and Christine Anderson, who produced and directed the film.
This program will be offered in person only. It will not be livestreamed or recorded.
Photo of Oak Thorne with children observing bird banding, courtesy of Pam Hoge and Christine Anderson..
Water and Waterfowl in the Intermountain West: Prioritizing a Finite Resource
Join Boulder County Audubon for a short update from one of our teen naturalists describint her experience at Hog Island camp, followed by the main program about research on waterfowl use of irrigated lands in Colorado, and the importance of increasingly scarce wetlands to migrating birds.
This program will be offered both in person and online.
Photo of Pintail courtesy of Casey Setash..

Barn Swallows and Humans: The Rise and Fall of Coexistence in a Changing World
Join Boulder County Audubon for a fascinating discussion about how barn swallows and humans have evolved together through history, and what our futures may look like on a changing planet. This program will be offered both in person and online.
Photo of Barn Swallow in flight by Matt Wilkins.

Fall 2023 Speaker Series Preview
Preview the speakers for the fall 2023 programs season. For details, click on “Fall 2023 Speaker Series Preview” above or the adjacent photo.
Starting in 2020, many programs were recorded and are available to view on the BCAS YouTube channel. The 2020-2021 recorded speaker series programs playlist is here, the 2021-2022 playlist is here, and the 2022-2023 playlist is here.

Thirty-eight years of Continuity, Change, and Wonder at a Sandhills Wildlife Area
Upland Sandpiper photo by Steve Jones.
Experience the unique habitats and wildlife of the Nebraska Sandhills with Steve Jones. This program will be offered both in person and online.
.Click on event title or photo for details.

Raptor Habitat Management, and Monitoring of Songbird Acoustic Biodiversity on Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks
Join Boulder County Audubon for a talk describing two wildlife monitoring programs on Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks: nesting falcons, hawks, and eagles; and acoustic monitoring of songbirds and ambient noise. This program will be offered both in person and online.
Peregrine Falcon image by Michael Morton.
Click on event title or photo for details.

The Joy of Hummingbirds
Learn about hummingbird biology and more from two Boulder County experts who have studied and banded hummingbirds for over two decades. This program will be offered online only.
Click on event title or photo for details.
Photo of Black-chinned x Rivoli’s (formerly Magnificent) hummingbird (hybrid) courtesy of Steve Bouricius. NOTE: Specialized training and permits are required to handle hummingbirds.

Bird Watching and Bird Appreciation for Families, Kids and Youth
Enjoy a short talk and hands-on activities designed to enhance your appreciation of birds!
Click on event title or photo for details.

PROGRAM CANCELED. Barn Swallows and Humans: The Rise and Fall of Coexistence in a Changing World
Join Boulder County Audubon for a fascinating discussion about how barn swallows and humans have evolved together through history, and what our futures may look like on a changing planet.
Click on event title or photo for details.

Open Space: A Window into the Science of a Living Planet
Join naturalist Martin Ogle to learn about the latest scientific understandings of Earth and how they are reflected all around us.
Photos courtesy of Martin Ogle.
Click on event title or photo for details.

Celebrating the Greatest Bird in the World, the American Bushtit & iNat-ing at Hog Island Birding Camp
Join Boulder County Audubon for presentations by two fantastic birders and educators from here in Boulder County, Ted Floyd and Hannah Floyd. This program will be offered both in-person and online.
Click on event title or image for details.

Spring 2023 Speaker Series Preview
Preview the speakers for the spring 2023 programs season. For details, click on “Spring 2023 Speaker Series Preview” above or the adjacent photo.
Starting in 2020, many programs were recorded and are available to view on the BCAS YouTube channel. The 2020-2021 recorded speaker series programs playlist is here and for the 2021-2022 playlist click here.

Birds, Whales, Algae and Earth's Living System: A Seamless Continuum
Explore new understandings of Life on Earth with naturalist Martin Ogle. This program will be presented in person and will not be offered online or recorded. Join us from 5-7 PM before the program for our 50th anniversary party, and to register for our very special 2023 Interludes with Nature trips.
Photo of puffins by Rosie Walunas, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (from public domain).
Click on event title or image for details.

On a Silken Thread: Spider Fact and Fancy
Spiders - love them or leave them but at least learn to respect these top predators of the world of creepy crawlies. This program will be presented in person. We hope to also offer it online - please check back.
Photo of black widow spider courtesy of Paula Cushing.
Click on event title or image for details.

Black Rails and Pinyon Jays - Learning About Colorado’s Rare Birds
Learn about Black Rails and Pinyon Jays, both rare species in Colorado. This program will be presented in person and online.
Photo of Black Rail by Liza Rossi.
Click on event title or image for details.