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Collecting samples at Audubon’s Gillmor Sanctuary. Photo by Evan Barrientos/Audubon.

Collecting samples at Audubon’s Gillmor Sanctuary. Photo by Evan Barrientos/Audubon.

On The Wing Newsletter

Stay up to date with Boulder County Audubon Society and its members through our On the Wing newsletter. The newsletter is published four times a year (February, April, September, November).

Galladria aristata. Photo by Evan Barrientos/Audubon.

Galladria aristata. Photo by Evan Barrientos/Audubon.


Nature-Net is a joint announcement and discussion group with Boulder County Nature Association. Topics include class, trip, or event announcements and discussions of environmental issues.

Completing a Habitat Hero program with Audubon Rockies at Kiowa Creek. Photo by Parker Seibold.

Completing a Habitat Hero program with Audubon Rockies at Kiowa Creek. Photo by Parker Seibold.


BCAS regularly publishes articles on a variety of topics from how to improve the habitat in your own yard, to conservation and advocacy updates, to new discoveries by the BCAS teen naturalist program.

Nature Almanac

Nature Almanac is a monthly series by Stephen R. Jones and Ruth Carol Cushman, along with other guest contributors. Ruth Carol Cushman and Stephen Jones are authors of A Field Guide to The North American Prairie (Peterson Field Guides) and Wild Boulder County: A Seasonal Guide to the Natural World.

Ruth Carol and Steve also do a monthly Nature Almanac radio program on KGNU (88.5 FM, 1390 AM) on the first Friday of every month. The programs are archived on the BCNA website for later listening.

Editions of the written Nature Almanac prior to March 2021 can be found on the Daily Camera website.

Read the latest editions

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