Remote, motion-activated cameras have become an essential tool for those who study and monitor wildlife. The cameras reveal wildlife use of highway underpasses, document the presence of elusive creatures like the northern river otter and ringtail, and are used to determine the presence/absence of the Federally threatened Preble’s meadow jumping mouse.
In this presentation by Christian Nunes, we’ll explore the wonderous, and sometimes shocking, discoveries made by remote cameras on City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks lands over the past 15 years.
Mountain Lion on OSMP camera trap. Photo courtesy of City of Boulder OSMP.
Christian Nunes holding a Preble’s meadow jumping mouse. Photo courtesy of Christian Nunes.
Christian Nunes is a Wildlife Ecologist for the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Department. His professional work focuses on monitoring a variety of wildlife species across the city’s 45,000 acre open space system. He helps run the city’s Raptor Monitoring Program and performs long-term grassland and forest bird monitoring surveys. He also works to maintain and improve functioning ecosystems for a variety of conservation targets such as the black-tailed prairie dog, Bobolink, northern leopard frog, Preble’s meadow jumping mouse, and the Townsend’s big-eared bat.
In-Person Gathering - BCAS welcomes everyone back to in-person programs at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder. Doors open at 7 PM for socializing and the program begins at 7:15. While the church is no longer requiring masks, we encourage you to wear your favorite high-quality mask, and we will provide free surgical masks for anyone who needs one. Please stay home if you feel sick, and watch the program on Zoom!
Online Gathering - The meeting room will open at 7:10, the program starts at 7:15. Questions for the speaker will be taken from the chat feature of the Zoom session.
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