Male Broad-billed Hummingbird banded in Palisade, CO in 2019. Photo by Steve Bouricius.
Join Boulder County Audubon for a program featuring the captivating hummingbirds of our local area, the Rocky Mountains, and beyond.
The talk will highlight the species that Steve and Deb Bouricius have documented during their 23 years of studying hummingbirds. It will share some things they have learned and what they still hope to accomplish through banding. Included will be ways to attract hummingbirds and the amazing array of plants they use. Steve will touch on the trials of hummingbird life including some remarkable observations of their behavior.
In-Person Gathering - This program will be offered online only.
Online Gathering - The meeting room will open at 7:10, and the program starts at 7:15. Questions for the speaker will be taken from the chat feature of the Zoom session.
Join Zoom meeting with this link
Meeting ID: 879 7929 3402
Passcode: 118329
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Steve and Deb Bouricius are engaged in multi-faceted studies of hummingbirds including a 15-year study of Black-chinned Hummingbirds nesting in their apple orchard. Steve is a master bird bander with 23 years of experience banding hummingbirds and American Dippers.
Steve Bouricius in Sedona.
Since 1999, Steve and Deb have banded 11 species of hummingbirds in Colorado, and 13 species in the United States. In 2009, they hosted the Hummingbird Research Group Conference which brought together 35 hummingbird banders from across North America. In three morning sessions, 1,568 hummingbirds of three species were banded in the Peaceful Valley area. They have led a team of hummingbird banders at the Sedona Hummingbird Festival since 2012.
Deb Bouricius is a lifelong bird watcher who has banded hummingbirds since 1999. She is the Senior Business Systems Analyst for the Boulder District Attorney. Deb has developed the sophisticated database programs which keep track of their banding, nest observations analysis. She also designed a user-friendly key for the in-hand identification of hummingbirds which combines much of the knowledge in current literature. Deb and Steve are avid gardeners who enjoy planting for hummingbirds.
In 2001, Steve and Deb were first in the nation to earn hummingbird bander certification by the North American Banding Council. They later certified as hummingbird banding trainers. They are licensed by the U.S.G.S. Bird Banding Laboratory, Colorado Parks & Wildlife, and Arizona Game and Fish Department.