Your Membership & Donations Matters
We do not require people to be members to participate in most of our programs. We pride ourselves for operating on an "open source" model.
We offer a variety of resources and learning opportunities completely free of charge — the newsletter, our website, most of our field trips, our monthly speaker series, the annual Christmas Bird Count, and many other community activities. But we depend on your voluntary contributions to do this work. Through your membership dues and charitable gifts, you make our programs possible. Together, we connect to many others who care deeply about our mission, learn how to best protect avian biodiversity, and become strong advocates for conservation.
Join or Renew as a Local Member
Reasons you should be a local member of Boulder County Audubon:
Receive issues of our On the Wing newsletter sent directly to your email inbox.
Enjoy all the rights and privileges of being a Boulder County Audubon Society member.
Financially support Boulder County Audubon programs, activities, and publications.
Enjoy the satisfaction that your dues are used locally.
Membership Options
All memberships last for one year from the date they are paid for.
Individual - $25
Family/Household - $45
Student* - $0
Memberships of $100 or more have the biggest impact on our budget, providing the needed fuel for so much of our education and conservation work.
Marsh Wren - $100
Boreal Owl - $250
Northern Goshawk - $500
*Students include those currently enrolled in an accredited institution of learning (preschool through graduate school). In order for students to become members, please email the Membership Chair at membership@boulderaudubon.org with a copy/photo of your student ID or other proof of being a student, along with your full name, address, and phone number.
Join Now!
Join/Renew with Credit Card or PayPal
Please select the membership level you want to join at, then click the Buy Now button below to be transferred to PayPal to securely pay by credit card or your PayPal account.
Join/Renew with Check
Download and print this membership form and send it along with your check to BCAS.
The Boulder County Audubon Society is a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation. Membership and gifts to BCAS are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our Federal Tax ID number is 23-7170676.
Join or Renew as a National Member
By being a member of the National Audubon Society and selecting BCAS as your local chapter, you can enjoy all the rights and privileges of being a BCAS member.
Members receive emailed electronic issues of our On the Wing newsletter.
Please enter Boulder Audubon Society's chapter membership code, D02, when applying for National Audubon Society membership online.
Did you know? Less than $1 of your National Audubon dues comes to the local chapters to fund local activities, advocacy, and conservation. BCAS serves National Audubon Society members through its own membership and fundraising, which support local conservation and education efforts. More on National Audubon Society membership.
We encourage you to also join BCAS independently as a Local Member.
Donate to Support Conservation and Education Efforts
By making a gift to Boulder County Audubon Society you are contributing to ongoing advocacy for natural lands preservation; education for youth and adults on local, regional, and global topics; and a place of camaraderie to connect the community.
If you want to join Boulder County Audubon as a member, please use the payment button higher on the page under the Join/Renew section.