Golden Eagle, photo by Dan Baldwin.
Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) staff and a group of dedicated volunteers have been monitoring raptor nesting success and productivity for over 30 years. Raptor reproductive output and OSMP’s adaptive management framework employed to protect nesting raptors will be discussed.
This program will also examine OSMP’s acoustic monitoring project for both songbirds and ambient noise, and subsequent analysis in conjunction with the listening lab at Colorado State University.
In-Person Gathering - BCAS welcomes everyone back to in-person programs at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder. Doors open at 7 PM for socializing and the program begins at 7:15. For in-person programs, we will follow CDC, State of Colorado, and Boulder County Public Health guidance on the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as policies of the Church that hosts our programs.
At this time, all persons who enter the UU Church building are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. To keep our community healthy, we also ask that everyone who attends in person wear a high-quality mask over your mouth and nose; stay home if you have symptoms, a known exposure to COVID-19, or a positive test result; and confirm a negative result on a rapid antigen test prior to attending, if you have recently tested positive or had symptoms.
Online Gathering - The meeting room will open at 7:10, the program starts at 7:15. Questions for the speaker will be taken from the chat feature of the Zoom session.
Click this link to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 849 0127 2301
Passcode: 207148
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Will Keeley is the senior wildlife ecologist at OSMP. Will attended CU-Boulder then attended Boise State University to receive his MS in Raptor Biology focusing on the ecology of nesting Ferruginous Hawks in New Mexico. Will first began working with Boulder Mountain Parks in 1999 as a raptor intern and has been working with OSMP since 2006. He manages the raptor habitat program at OSMP and also manages habitat for bats, amphibians, and songbirds.