Event Types
Boulder County Audubon Society sponsors a variety of events throughout the year.
Monthly Programs
These regular program meetings include a presentation by local and regional individuals involved in conservation, research, or birding. Each meeting also starts with about 10 minutes of updates on local avian and conservation concerns and BCAS announcements.
Unless otherwise noted, all programs are on the fourth Tuesday of the month, January to May and September to November. Most programs are hybrid with in-person and Zoom-based options (check each program as some do NOT have an online component). For in-person programs, socializing begins at 7:00 PM with the program starting at 7:15 PM. Programs are held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, 5001 Pennsylvania Avenue, off 55th St. between Arapahoe and Baseline. Find out about upcoming topics on the program schedule. No pets or animals, other than service animals, are allowed at the Unitarian Universalist Church. No food or drink is allowed in the room where the BCAS programs are conducted.
Since 2020, most programs have been recorded, when permission is given by the presenter, and are available to view on the BCAS YouTube channel.
Field Trips
BCAS field trips are fun, informative, and open to the general public. Field trips are free unless noted. We ask that all field trip participants abide by BCAS Field Trip Etiquette. View the upcoming Field Trips.
Boulder County Audubon sponsors the Boulder Birds & Brew Meetup group. The group meets every other month for birding walks followed by conversation and suds at a local establishment. The group is open to anyone interested in sharing their love and interest in our local bird populations. Convivial, relaxed walks are led by those familiar with the local birds and habitats and each leader brings their own perspective to the walk. Invite a friend to sign up and spend time with long-time birders and newcomers alike, while we explore some of the beautiful trails and bird habitats around Boulder. Walks are Sunday afternoons/evenings (start time depends on sunset during that time of year). After the walks, attendees have the option to meet up at a local brewery near the walk for conversation and enjoy some suds. Boulder County Audubon provides light appetizers and attendees buy their own drinks.
Special Events
The BCAS hosts or contributes to a few special events each year. These typically include a BCAS Holiday Party (preceding the November program), the local celebration of World Migratory Bird Day, and the annual Boulder Christmas Bird Count. In addition, we use the special events section to highlight community events that may be of interest to Boulder County Audubon members. View all the upcoming special events.
Boulder Christmas Bird Count
The first Boulder Christmas Bird Count was on Christmas Eve 1910 – before they were even called Christmas Bird Counts but simply the Bird Lore Annual Census. Since 1975 Boulder County Audubon has supported the coordination of the annual Boulder Christmas Bird Count.
All are welcome — even those who think they know little about birds.
What birds are in town for the holidays? Help us find them — contact us and we’ll help you find a compatible group. The annual event is usually held the last Sunday before Christmas but check the upcoming special events for the date and more information (usually posted in mid-October). During the past two decades, Boulder has consistently been in the top 10 nationally in number of participants (more than 100) and has been in the top three statewide in number of species observed.
Teen Naturalist Outings
The Boulder County Audubon Teen Naturalists program offers students the opportunity to explore many facets of the natural world and provides opportunities for interactions with like-minded youth and local mentors. The group participates in wildlife surveys (birds, bats, butterflies, etc.), bioblitzes, nature photography workshops, and other outdoor activities. All outings are open to middle school students, high school students, and recent graduates. Younger students may also participate but a parent must attend. Events are always free. Events are typically held on weekend days throughout the year. Learn more about Teen Naturalists and upcoming outings.
Interludes With Nature
Interludes with Nature is a special series of field trips. These trips are led by the area’s most knowledgeable birders and naturalists who take participants to places they wouldn’t often get to see. Interludes With Nature trips are not planned for 2024.
Monies raised by this important fundraising tool send our Teen Naturalists to birding camps in Maine and the Colorado Rockies.