NOTE: This event will either be on the evening of Saturday September 16 or Sunday September 17.
Leaders: Regner Trampedach, Dave Sutherland, and Steve Jones
Boulder County Audubon’s Teen Naturalist program kicks off the 2023-2024 season with a Stargazing Pizza Party in Lower Left-Hand Valley, north of Boulder. We’ll share pizza, then look through telescopes to view Saturn’s rings, Jupiter’s moons and distant star clusters, galaxies and glowing nebulae.
The program is tentatively scheduled for either Saturday September 16 or Sunday September 17 in hopes that one night, at least, will be clear for viewing. The leaders will choose which night based on the best forecast and all registered participants will be notified.
This event is free and open to all Boulder-area teens who love nature and science. Steve will deliver pizzas and drinks; compliments of Boulder County Audubon.
To register, contact Dave Sutherland, . Please specify if you would prefer vegetarian (or even vegan) pizza and any other allergies or dietary preferences.
Learn more about BCAS’ Teen Naturalist program.
Where to Meet: All registered participants will be sent the address prior to the event.
Eagle Nebula. Photo by Dave Sutherland, taken August 21, 2023 with the telescope that will be used on this trip!