Upcoming Events

The American Goatsuckers: Legend, Lore and the Lives of Our Nightjars
Explore America’s nightjars with cultural sociologist Jared Del Rosso.
Eastern Whip-poor-will photo by Tom Murray, https://flic.kr/p/WqXsYi, CC BY-NC 2.0, Some Rights Reserved

What the Duck?
Hecla Lake, Louisville (map)
Observe waterfowl at the start of spring migration on this easy guided walk with Kyle Kramer.
Photo credit: Mallard by Gerhard Assenmacher.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: Belted Kingfisher, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

White Rocks Trail with Carl Starace
Teller Farm North Trailhead (map)
Observe a variety of returning migrants and resident birds along the White Rocks trail with local birder Carl Starace.
Photo credit: Northern House Wren by Kevin Smith.

The Next Level of Protection of Conservation Lands
Chris Pague will share conservation challenges and recent successes of the Southern High Plains Initiative, from the perspective of his decades of experience with ecology, natural history, conservation biology, and conservation planning, including 30+ years with The Nature Conservancy.
Photo Credit: A diverse array of cacti blooms at JE Canyon in CO. © Audrey Wolk/TNC

Pella Crossing with Carl Starace
Observe birds at Pella Crossing with local birder Carl Starace.
Photo of Osprey by Kevin Smith.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: Lark Sparrow by Kevin Smith.

Old St. Vrain Road with Carl Starace
Picture Rock Trailhead, Heil Valley Ranch, Red Gulch Road, Lyons, CO (map)
Observe early summer birds along Old St. Vrain Road with local birder Carl Starace.
Photo credit: Gray Catbird by Kevin Smith.

Prairie Rattlesnakes: Guardians of the Grasslands
Learn about the value of Prairie Rattlesnakes and other reptiles and amphibians in our ecosystems, and meet a few live representatives!.
NOTE: This program will be offered in-person only. Attendance will be limited and registration will be required.
Photo credit: Prairie Rattlesnake in defensive posture on road, by Cameron Young.

Sandstone Ranch with Carl Starace
Sandstone Ranch Community Park and Nature Area, Sandstone Drive, Longmont (map)
Observe birds at Sandstone Ranch with local birder Carl Starace.
Photo credit: Blue Grosbeak by Kevin Smith.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: Tree Swallow by Gerhard Assenmacher..

Heil Valley Ranch with Carl Starace
Observe birds in the foothills at Heil Valley Ranch with local birder Carl Starace.
Photo credit: Western Flycatcher by Kevin Smith.

White Rocks Trail with Carl Starace
Teller Farm North Trailhead (map)
Observe a variety of birds along the White Rocks trail with local birder Carl Starace.
Photo credit:Bullock’s Oriole by Kevin Smith.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: Western Grebe, by Kevin Smith.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: Spotted Sandpiper by Gerhard Assenmacher..

Spring 2025 Speaker Series Preview
Preview the speakers for the spring 2025 programs season.
Starting in 2020, many programs were recorded and are available to view on the BCAS YouTube channel. The channel includes playlists for each fall/spring program series.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: American Tree Sparrow by Kevin Smith..

Bumblebees and Other Pollinators of the Front Range
Join pollinator researchers Carol Kearns and Diana Oliveras to learn about their field work, how human activities negatively affect bumblebees and native insects, and strategies to help native bees
Photo of Bombus huntii by Diana Oliveras.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: Snow Goose, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

Deadline: Bird Camp Scholarship Deadline
Applications accepted for the Boulder County Audubon scholarships to attend the Coastal Maine Bird Studies for Teens Program at Hog Island from June 15-20, 2025.

Why We “Band” Birds with Meredith McBurney
Data collected at banding stations have greatly increased our understanding of migratory routes and timings, species’ range limits, average lifespans, and how all these life-history characteristics may be changing over time.
Photo of Meredith showing students a banded bird.

Boulder Birds & Brew: Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat and Wild Provisions Beer Project
Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat (map)
NOTE: This trip is full, but you can join the waitlist.
Explore Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat with birder Jim Fischer, followed by beers at Wild Provisions Beer Project.
Photo credit: Bald Eagle, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

Teen Naturalists: Winter Duck Extravaganza
Thanks to the generous releases of warm suds from the Coors Brewing factory, Clear Creek below Golden does not freeze over in winter. Hooded Mergansers, goldeneyes, shovelers, and other wild ducks gather close to the public trail, allowing for unusually close viewing.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: American Coot, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

Parade of Planets: Telescope Program
Enjoy stunning viewing of planets, galaxies, star clusters, and nebulae with community naturalist Dave Sutherland..
NOTE: This program will be offered JUST ONCE on Dec 27, 28, or 29 - the night with the best weather forecast.
Image of Jupiter from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.

Owl Moon
Sawhill Ponds Trailhead (Map)
Explore the mysterious world of the Great Horned Owl under the full Owl moon, with community naturalist Dave Sutherland.
Photo by Dave Sutherland.

Teen Naturalists: Boulder Christmas Bird Count
We will spend a half-day walking through the forest, contributing our discoveries to North America's oldest published bird count.

Boulder Christmas Bird Count
Participate in the Christmas Bird Count, at various locations in the city of Boulder and surrounding areas..
NOTE: Actual field times will vary by area/leader.
Photo courtesy of Camilla Cerea/Audubon.

Boulder Birds & Brew: Board Games at Wild Provisions Beer Project
NOTE: This event is full, but you can join the waitlist.
Play WIngspan and The Great North American Bird Watching Trivia game while enjoying brews and appetizers.
Wingspan game photo from Stonemeier Games.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: American Coot, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

Meet the Planets: Music and Telescopes
View Jupiter's moons and Saturn's rings and sample Boulder Philharmonic's music, with community naturalist Dave Sutherland..
Image of Jupiter from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.
An Evening of Wildlife Comedy with Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald
Kevin's comedy will have us laughing at animal antics and re-thinking the wildlife around us. Ticketed Event! See full description for details.
Photo by Ingo Hamann. Laughing Out Loud. Comedy Wildlife Awards Finalist.

Crane Hollow Road with Carl Starace
Bird along Crane Hollow Road with local birder Carl Starace to look for wintering waterfowl and passerines.
Photo of American Tree Sparrow by Kevin Smith..

Teen Naturalists: Winter Raptor Survey at White Rocks (Updated Location)
Survey for raptors at Lagerman Reservoir.

Pella Crossing with Carl Starace
Bird the ponds and surrounding habitats of Pella Crossing with Carl Starace to look for waterfowl and passerines.
Photo credit: male Mallard in flight; multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: Black-billed Magpie, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

Meet the Planets: Music and Telescopes
View Jupiter's moons and Saturn's rings and sample Boulder Philharmonic's music, with community naturalist Dave Sutherland and composer John Heins.
Image of Jupiter by Dave Sutherland.

Experience mammal skulls up close with community naturalist Dave Sutherland and mammalogist Carron Meaney.
Photo of prairie dog skull by Ann Duncan..

Meet the Planets: Music and Telescopes
View Jupiter's moons and Saturn's rings and sample Boulder Philharmonic's music, with community naturalist Dave Sutherland and composer John Heins.
Image of Saturn by Dave Sutherland.
North Boulder County Wildlife Crossings Project- US 36 between Boulder and Lyons
Learn about plans for wildlife crossings along Highway 36 between Boulder and Lyons, from project leader and Boulder County Parks and Open Space wildlife biologist Susan Spaulding. Prior to Susan's talk, Alexander Howard will talk for ten minutes about his experience at the Hog Island birding camp, sponsored by a scholarship from BCAS.
Photo of elk crossing Highway 36 north of Boulder, courtesy of Susan Spaulding.

Sandstone Ranch with Carl Starace
Sandstone Ranch Community Park and Nature Area, Sandstone Drive, Longmont (map)
Observe birds at Sandstone Ranch with local birder Carl Starace.
Photo credit: Bushtit, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

Teen Naturalists: Migratory mammals and birds of Meyers Gulch
We will walk through peaceful woods and meadows, looking for signs of moose and elk, along with flocks of forest birds, including wild turkeys, nuthatches, woodpeckers, bluebirds, and crossbills.

Boulder Birds & Brew: Golden Ponds and Fritz Family Brewers
NOTE: This trip is full, but you can join the waitlist.
Explore Golden Ponds Nature Area with birder and wildlife biologist Megan Jones Patterson.
Photo credit: White-breasted Nuthatch, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

White Rocks with Carl Starace
Bird the White Rocks Nature Preserve with Carl Starace to look for waterfowl and passerines.
Photo credit: Green-winged Teal pair, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.

Lafayette Birds! First Sunday Bird Watching
Discover the fun of observing birds and other natural wonders with knowledgeable Lafayette bird watchers.
Photo credit: Spotted Sandpiper, multiple photographers credited at the bottom of the BCAS Regional Birds photo gallery webpage.