Explore the wonderful world of birds in a beautiful place! See live birds of prey up close and view birds in the wild through spotting scopes and binoculars. Learn about migration, marshes and the role avian friends play in our lives. Enjoy games, art projects and a scavenger hunt (with excellent prizes). These and many other activities will be featured at the 10th Annual “Celebrating Bird Migration” at Lafayette’s Waneka Lake and Greenlee Wildlife Preserve Open Space. This year’s event explores the World Migratory Bird Day theme of “Water; Sustaining Bird Life.”
Photo courtesy of Martin Ogle.
Fun and understanding will be on tap with exhibitors and activities that include: Environment for the Americas, Boulder County Audubon Society, Boulder County Parks and Open Space, Boulder County Nature Association, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Dark Sky Coalition, Broomfield Bird Club, Lafayette’s Arts and Cultural Resources Department, and many more!
Boulder County Audubon will have a table with interactive games and exciting information about local birds.
For more information, please contact Martin Ogle at Martin.Ogle@LafayetteCo.gov
Educational Golden Eagle, photo courtesy of Martin Ogle.
In addition to organizations / individuals noted, above, the following will also have exhibits and activities at the festival: Nature’s Educators (live birds of prey); Stan Doctor (wildlife photographer and painter); Sarah Spencer (mural artist); Denver University Department of Physiology; JAX Outdoor Gear; Bird Conservancy of the Rockies; Feminist Bird Club; My Nature Lab (live reptiles); Front Range Birding Company (birding supply store); Lafayette Historical Society; Dawn Song Poets; Lafayette Library; Lafayette Bird Meetup; Lafayette Rec Center; Thorne Nature Experience; Plein Janes (Plein Aire Artists).
Where to meet:
The free, public event will start at the following two locations at Waneka Lake and Greenlee Wildlife Preserve Open Space in Lafayette. (See both on this map):
Waneka Lake east parking lot (where Emma St. ends at Caria Drive). Many entertaining and educational activities and exhibits from local organizations will be featured at the lot and along the 1/3 mile walking path to Greenlee Wildlife Preserve.
The Waneka boathouse and playground area. This area will feature additional activities and exhibits as well as paddle boat rentals and an opportunity for kids (and adults) to compare their “wingspans” to that of a White Pelican and former Harlem Globetrotter, Nate Lofton!