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Teen Naturalists: Winter Duck Extravaganza

Trip Leaders: Steve Jones, Holden Maxfield, and Owen Robertson

Participant Limit: 10 teen naturalists.

Steve Jones, Holden Maxfield, and Owen Robertson will lead a trip to observe and photograph wild ducks and other water birds. Thanks to the generous releases of warm suds from the Coors Brewing factory, Clear Creek below Golden does not freeze over in winter.

Hooded Mergansers, goldeneyes, shovelers, and other wild ducks gather close to the public trail, allowing for unusually close viewing. As always, digital cameras and binoculars are available to borrow for the outing. Please reserve one while signing up with Steve if you want to borrow some.

Learn more about BCAS’ Teen Naturalist program.

Registration Required: Contact the trip leader Steve Jones (303-579-3620;

Where to Meet: Meet at Prospect Park in Arvada.

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