BCAS Articles
Conservation Corner - November 2024
Learn about what is going on with BERT, Hwy 36 wildlife crossings, Lefthand Canyon OHV Area, NoCo Place, COTREX, the North Foothills Bikeway, and the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan.

Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT): Comment on Draft Plan
Learn about the current status of the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail and how you can comment to the Boulder County Commissioners.
Conservation Corner - September Updates
Updates on Boulder to Erie Regional Trail, North Foothills Bikeway, Hwy 36 Wildlife Crossings, NOCO Places, CPW, and the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan!
Conservation Corner Updates
Updates on 79th Street Tennis Facility, East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan, NOCO Places, and the Boulder County Weed Management Plan.

East Boulder Creek Management Plan - County Commissioner Update
On Thursday, January 25, in a victory for the wildlife and habitats in Prairie Run Open Space, the Commissioners directed County staff to change the plan to remove all trails and amenities from the species-rich northeast section of the area, which means that area will not be opened to public access, and to prohibit dogs on the entire property.

BCAS and CARRI Investigating Local Kestrel Population Decline
Collective data indicate a long-term and widespread decline of American Kestrel populations, including in Boulder County. To supplement investigations occurring in different parts of the U.S., Boulder County Audubon is teaming with and supporting the Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute to investigate the local decline in our American Kestrel population.

Final Comment Opportunity! County Commissioners Public Comment and Approval: East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan
Boulder County Commissioners are accepting public comments prior to and at their upcoming meeting at 9:30 on January 25. You can provide written comments until Wednesday January 24 at noon, and/or register to speak in person or on Zoom at the meeting.

Citation of Oakleigh Thorne II – BCAS Lifetime Achievement Award
Wonder and respect for the Earth have been lifelong guideposts for Dr. Oakleigh Thorne II. Across a career of seven decades, he has worked to mobilize people and communities to protect natural places.

City Open Space Board of Trustees: Will YOU help guide the City’s Open Space System into the future?
Chances are that you’ve enjoyed OSMP trails and the native wildlife OSMP supports! Are you ready to give back and take a more active role in guiding its future? If so, consider applying for appointment to the Open Space Board of Trustees.
Your Voice is Needed! Final Survey: East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan
Boulder County Parks and Open Space (BCPOS) is creating a management plan for the East Boulder Creek (EBC) site. You can provide valuable feedback in Survey 3 by October 29.

East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan: YOUR Voice is Needed!
Boulder County Parks and Open Space (BCPOS) is creating a management plan for the East Boulder Creek (EBC) site. You can provide valuable feedback in Survey 2 by July 31.

Conservation Corner
Lights out for spring migration, Redtail Ridge vote for Louisville residents, and CU-South upcoming vote for city of Boulder voters.

Conservation Corner: Water Worries
This edition concentrates primarily on major water issues that have reached a crisis level. The background, of course, is the major, multi-year drought affecting the southwestern U.S. We know from tree-ring studies that such droughts occur periodically in our region and sometimes last for decades. This is, of course, complicated by the addition of human-caused climate change, which is projected by experts to increase the frequency and severity of such droughts.

2021 Was Not a Good Year for Bluebirds
2021 was a disappointing year for Mountain and Western Bluebirds in Colorado. The data from our Boulder County Open Space and Boulder County Audubon bluebird monitoring combined with the data from the entire state of Colorado bluebird box surveys shows fewer bluebirds fledged in 2021 than in 2020.

Conservation Corner: Gross Reservoir and the Colorado River
For this issue of Conservation Corner, it seems appropriate to consider new developments regarding the proposed expansion of Gross Reservoir, and the associated problems affecting the Colorado River.

Conservation Corner
Locally, the most important issues that have arisen are those connected with the property known as CU-South and with management of the Boulder Reservoir and the adjacent wetlands.

Conservation Corner
New conservation easement on ag property in the city of Boulder and more on the CU South ongoing annexation activity.

Conservation Corner
In February, the County Public Works department made an ill-conceived and disastrously prepared application for a special use permit for an industrial-scale composting facility on county open space at the site of the former Rainbow Tree Nursery Site, east of US 287 and north of Lookout Road.

Conservation Corner
Many of the issues that have been important in 2020 continue to require attention in 2021.