East Boulder Creek Management Plan - County Commissioner Update
On Thursday, January 25, in a victory for the wildlife and habitats in Prairie Run Open Space, the Commissioners directed County staff to change the East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan to remove all trails and amenities from the species-rich northeast section of the area, which means that area will not be opened to public access, and to prohibit dogs on the entire property.
The Commissioners tabled their decision on approving the plan until 9:00 AM on March 28th, when they will consider parking options for the southwest portion of the area, and may take further public comment related to that topic.
The East Boulder Creek (EBC) Management Plan site, now called Prairie Run Open Space, is 1,377-acres, composed of five individual open space properties that contain a dozen ponds and five miles of perennial stream along Boulder Creek and Coal Creek. See the EBC Plan website for information about the area and the planning process, and for an interactive map, visit this BCPOS website.
BCAS thanks everyone who participated and commented during the EBC management plan process for Prairie Run Open Space. We are especially grateful to the Commissioners for their thoughtful deliberations, and for their actions to protect important wildlife and habitats in this special place, in an area where grassland, wetlands, and riparian habitats are rapidly diminishing.