BCAS Field Trip Coordinator and/or ListServ Event Publicity
Primary Responsibilities
Please note that this role could be split into two volunteer positions: One person as the field trip coordinator role and another for posting events (via email) to COBirds and Nature-Net.
Field Trip Leader Coordination
Recruit new field trip leaders and solicit field trip ideas/commitments from current leaders
Provide new field trip information to the BCAS Website Event Editor for posting
Provide standard signup forms to trip leaders and collect forms after trips
ListServ Event Publicity
Maintain spreadsheet field trips and monthly programs with publicity dates
Post BCAS activities to Colorado Birds (COBirds) and Boulder County Nature-Net lists.
Events include upcoming field trips, monthly programs, and other one-off events.
Respond to email inquiries as needed, with assistance from other BCAS Board and Committee members
Expected Time Commitment
2-3 hours/month for combined role (fewer if split)
If you have questions or are interested in these positions, please contact us at crossbill@boulderaudubon.org or using the Contact Us form.