On The Wing Newsletter

Stay current with Boulder County Audubon Society and its members through our On the Wing newsletter. We publish On The Wing four times a year: September, November, February, and April. The newsletter is emailed to all members and everyone can access them on this page.

We welcome your submissions! Please contact us to submit articles or send comments to the editor of On the Wing.

Newsletter Archive

The first Boulder County Audubon newsletter was sent to members in March 1971, three months after the first formal meeting of the fledgling organization. Until September 2024, all the newsletters prior to 2004 existed only as paper copies in a banker’s box. All extant issues of the newsletter have now been scanned as PDFs. If you have a copy of a missing issue, please let us know as we would love to borrow it to scan and complete the archive.

The names of the Boulder County Audubon newsletter have changed over the years: Audubon Bulletin (April 1971), Audubon Newsletter (August 1971 - November 1973), The Boulder Audubon Newsletter (December 1973 - December 1989), Boulder County Audubon Newsletter (February 1990-October 1991), and finally On The Wing starting in November 1991.

Please note that some issues of the newsletter had the wrong year, volume number, or issue number printed on them. The archive titles below represent the corrected information and may differ from what was originally printed in the newsletter.

pen sketch of flower, squirrel, butterfly, deer, and goose

A portion of the header for the newsletter from 1977 to 1987. Art by Narca Schor.

Artwork for the 1989 t-shirts sold to support Boulder Audubon Society. Image from newsletter 19.7.

Artwork of black bear in pine tree used to illustrate and article about the formation of CUB (Coloradans United for Bears) in newsletter 22.2, 1992.

A comparison of large, white birds of North America in flight and perched. The art and accompanying article appeared in the newsletter No. 16.5, 1986. Art by Chuck Ripper.

A handy diagram to help identify the different swans we can see in Colorado. Pay attention to the head and bill shape! Art and accompanying article appear in the newsletter No.20.10, 1990, and is authored by Charles Peck.