This program will be held online via Zoom. See below for access details.
Join Boulder County Audubon online to learn about some of the other species of exquisite insects and bugs that get less attention: wasps, flies, beetles, bees, and spiders among others. We’ll learn their ecological roles and where to find them. We’ll spend a little time on photography tricks to bring out their beauty.
Image by Scott Severs.
Scott Severs is the senior wildlife biologist for the City of Longmont Parks, Open Space, and Trails, implementing the goals of conservation in the City’s wildlife management plan. He has previously collected avian data for wind and solar projects, as well as the primary bird distribution data for Soapstone Ranch Open Space in Fort Collins. He currently is a board member at-large for the Boulder County Audubon Society. In the summer you might find him photographing beautiful insects along a trail.
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