Joe Ehrenberger will share information about amphibians and reptiles of Boulder County, including information learned from many research studies completed here, where he has proved himself invaluable to city, county, and state agencies. The harder-to-find and rare species will be addressed, including research updates on some. He will also tell us which species we can live without (hint: it's not rattlesnakes!).
This meeting will be held online. See below for Zoom link and telephone access info.
Joe Ehrenberger has worked with wildlife and their habitats for over 20 years, of which 12 have been from Colorado and the west. In Boulder County, he and his team assist local agencies and partners with amphibian and reptile conservation and management from general species surveys, focused amphibian work, and to public safety with rattlesnakes. Joe is the owner of and senior ecologist with Adaptation Environmental Services, a founder of Colorado Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (COPARC), and serves as a Chair of Southwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (SWPARC).
Joe with a bullsnake at Ron Stewart Preserve at Rabbit Mountain Open Space during a 2015 survey.
When: Tuesday, January 25, 2022. The presentation starts at 7:15 PM. Everyone is encouraged to join early to work through any connection issues (the meeting room will be open at ~7:00 PM).
Where: This meeting will be held online. All participants will be muted upon entry to the meeting room. The chat feature will be on so you can write questions for the speaker.
Zoom link - click or copy and paste:
Meeting ID: 867 7799 0325
Passcode: 153006
If you wish to join audio by telephone, you can also call one of the numbers below or find your local number: We highly recommend you also join the meeting by video (but don't connect audio) due to the visual nature of this presentation.)
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Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
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