BCAS welcomes everyone back to in-person programs! Doors open at 7 PM for socializing and the program begins at 7:15. We will also offer this program online - see below for access details.
For in-person programs, we will follow CDC, State of Colorado, and Boulder County Public Health guidance on the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as policies of the Church that hosts our programs.
At this time, all persons who enter the UU Church building are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. To keep our community healthy, we also ask that everyone who attends in person wear a high-quality mask over your mouth and nose; stay home if you have symptoms, a known exposure to COVID-19, or a positive test result; and confirm a negative result on a rapid antigen test prior to attending, if you have recently tested positive or had symptoms.
Liza Rossi with Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse chick during a research study in northwestern Colorado. Photo courtesy of Liza Rossi, CPW.
Join Liza Rossi, Bird Conservation Coordinator for Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), to learn about Black Rails and Pinyon Jays, two species considered rare in Colorado.
During the past several years, Liza has initiated work on two understudied birds in Colorado – the Eastern Black Rail and the Pinyon Jay. For the Audubon talk, Liza will discuss initial efforts to survey for and document breeding of Eastern Black Rails in Colorado. She will dive into the habitat use of this secretive marsh bird and how Colorado habitats differ from other use areas across the range. Then, moving from the marshes of the southern great plains to the pinyon-juniper habitats of the Colorado Plateau, Liza will discuss CPW’s recent work on Pinyon Jays. She will describe recent work with her colleague Amy Seglund to document breeding Pinyon Jay colonies and to better understand colony structure and nesting success.
Liza has worked for Colorado Parks and Wildlife for over 20 years. She started as an Area Biologist in Routt and Jackson Counties where much of her time was focused on Greater Sage-Grouse, Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse, and Greater Sandhill Cranes. In 2016, Liza took on the position of statewide Bird Conservation Coordinator and now works with many of Colorado’s avian species of greatest conservation need. Liza is a member of the Central Flyway Migratory Bird Nongame Technical Committee, the Lesser Prairie-Chicken Interstate Working Group, and the Pinyon Jay Working Group.
Pinyon Jays. Image courtesy of Liza Rossi, CPW.
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