BCAS welcomes everyone back to in-person programs! The program begins at 7:15. Before the program, please join us for Boulder County Audubon’s 50th-anniversary celebration from 5-7 PM. This program will only be in-person only. If will not be presented online or recorded.
For in-person programs, we will follow CDC, State of Colorado, and Boulder County Public Health guidance on the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as policies of the Church that hosts our programs. At this time, all persons who enter the UU Church building are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. To keep our community healthy, we also ask that everyone who attends in person wear a high-quality mask over your mouth and nose; stay home if you have symptoms, a known exposure to COVID-19, or a positive test result; and confirm a negative result on a rapid antigen test prior to attending, if you have recently tested positive or had symptoms.
Photo by Duncan Wright. See here for license info regarding use of this photo.
Birds are not simply a class of animals, but a seamless continuum of Earth's living system! So, too, are all other organisms, which co-evolve with everything else on Earth's surface as a single living system. In this multi-media presentation, Martin Ogle brings a 37-year career as a naturalist, Earth scientist and storyteller to bear in exploring fantastic new understandings of Life on our planet. How do birds, whales and algae ensure the fertility of the land? How does bird migration reveal a network of senses that allows our living system to thrive? How do these insights create “Earth-wise humans?”
Photo courtesy of Martin Ogle
In addition to connections between Earth as a whole and birds and other creatures we know and love, Martin will share his experiences in blending the interpretation of human and natural history as one story.
Many of us in Boulder Audubon know Martin Ogle from his exemplary work with Lafayette Open Space as the coordinator of “Lafayette Birds” and creator of “The Shack” interpretive center at the Bob Greenlee Preserve at Waneka Lake. Martin received a B.S. degree in Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University (1982) and his M.S. in Wildlife Science at Virginia Tech (1984). He had a 27 year career as Chief Naturalist for the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority (1985-2012), after which he moved to Louisville, Colorado, with his family and started his own education and consulting business, Entrepreneurial Earth, LLC. Through this business, he works with a variety of groups and organizations to promote the idea that we humans are a seamless continuum of a living planet and that we must design a new economy that is compatible with this living system.