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Boulder Christmas Bird Count

Participate in the 83rd annual Boulder Christmas Bird Count, at various locations around the city of Boulder. All are welcome — even those who think they know little about birds. What birds are in town for the holidays? Help us find them — contact us and we’ll help you find a compatible group.

We typically have 30 or so teams out covering our count circle, some in town, some on the plains, and some up in the foothills. To participate you can join or lead a group you have worked with in the past, or email Bill to get connected with a team that could use more helpers.

NOTE: Actual count times will vary by area/leader.

Boulder CBC Coordinator: Bill Schmoker; (

We’re having a catered compilation dinner this year! BCAS will provide a taco bar catered by QDoba, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, 5001 Pennsylvania Ave, Boulder (where we have our monthly programs). Dinner will include two proteins, beans, rice, veggies, tortillas, and cookies and brownies for dessert.

Dinner and compilation schedule:
Doors open at 4:45 PM
Dinner at 5:00 PM
Compilation begins at 6:00 PM

The first Boulder Christmas Bird Count was on Christmas Eve 1910 – before they were even called Christmas Bird Counts but simply the Bird Lore Annual Census. Since 1975 Boulder County Audubon has supported the coordination of the annual Boulder Christmas Bird Count.

December 8

Boulder Birds & Brew: Board Games at Wild Provisions Beer Project

December 15

Teen Naturalists: Boulder Christmas Bird Count