We are pleased to provide a preview of the spring 2023 speakers at our monthly Programs. The speakers and topics are subject to change.
January 24: TWO great programs! Ted Floyd, expert birder and educator - Celebrating the Greatest Bird in the World, the American Bushtit; AND Hannah Floyd, student of all things nature (and high school) - iNat-ing at Hog Island Birding Camp.
February 28: Dr. Rebecca Safran, CU Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dept and Avani Fachon, grad student - Barn Swallows and Human Interconnections.
March 28: Steve & Debbie Bouricius, local hummingbird banders and providers of hummingbird habitat in the mountains west of Boulder - Hummingbirds
April 25: Will Keeley, WIldlife ecologist with City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks - Raptor Monitoring in Boulder County
May 23: Steve Jones, local environmental consultant, breeding bird ecologist, and author - A Sandhills Wildlife Area