Trip Leaders & Co-leaders
You don’t have to know everything to lead a bird or other natural history walk!! Sharing your enthusiasm for birds, your love of the natural world, is more important than knowing the difference between a Hooded Merganser and a Northern Shoveler! And there’s no better way to learn more about birds than preparing to lead a walk. Not quite ready to lead a walk solo? We also have some talented field trip leaders who would love to have you assist on a walk to help get you started.
You can specialize in walks for kids, do walks with specific topics, walks that incorporate art or music, the limitations are pretty much endless.
Necessary Skills
Enthusiasm and an interest to share your knowledge. All field trip leaders must read BCAS’s volunteer handbook and comply with BCAS Field Trip Leader requirements before leading any trips.
Time Commitment
You can lead one walk a year….or 200!! It’s up to you! Most walks last 2-4 hours and include about 1 hour of pre/post-walk logistics (writing up your trip description, corresponding with BCAS and trip participants, turning in field trip release forms).
Boulder County Audubon Society at