BCAS Articles

September Nature Almanac: Pine Whites Float on Late Summer Breezes
When out looking for butterflies in the foothills, we typically scan wildflowers blooming along either side of the trail, alert for flashes of orange or yellow. But during September, if you look straight overhead, you're likely to see a striking butterfly flitting through the conifers.

August Nature Almanac: Ebony Jewelwings Dash and Flash Above Languid Streams
Like turquoise and emerald wands with ebony wings, jewelwing damselflies (Calopteryx maculata) make us catch our breath in wonder.

July Nature Almanac: AcroBats Over Boulder
Ten species of bats breed in Boulder County! Learn more about their activities throughout the year and where you can see them in July.

June Nature Almanac: Bobcats Emerge from the Shadows
During our first few decades living in Boulder, we hardly ever saw a bobcat. Now friends and neighbors seem to report encounters with these mostly nocturnal felines almost daily.

May Nature Almanac: Enticing Avocets
Each spring flocks of shorebirds traveling through eastern portions of Boulder County search for places to stop over to refuel before continuing northward to breeding areas on the arctic tundra. Other shorebirds remain here for the summer, setting up territories in the few suitable habitats that remain. One such species is the appealing American Avocet.

April Nature Almanac: Bluebirds Make Our Hearts Sing
How did bluebirds acquire their dazzling color? Once upon a time, according to folklore, all the birds and animals were painted but one. The forgotten bird flew up into the sky to protest its drab coat, and bits of sky stuck to its feathers. Today, we still thrill to see that dazzling color whenever we see a bluebird.

March Nature Almanac: Pampas Hawks Arrive on Schedule but Find Fewer Vacancies
For millennia, pampas hawks (Buteo swainsoni) have lived geographically symmetrical lives, wintering in mid-latitude grasslands of Argentina and nesting in mid-latitude grasslands and desert shrublands of western North America.