BCAS Articles

Conservation Corner
At the state level, depending on the election results, we may be looking towards active reintroduction of the gray wolf, which is currently almost extirpated in Colorado. In the next few months we may also see resolution of some issues regarding management of Greater Prairie Chickens on State Land Board properties in southeast Colorado, which are being pursued by the Audubon Colorado Council.

Conservation Corner
Over the last few decades, the Boulder County Commissioners have been particularly astute in creating oil and gas regulations that provide maximum health and environmental protections without overreaching and provoking court rulings that would limit their flexibility and authority.

Ecostewards Track Changes in Distribution of Boulder County Wildlife
Since 2007, three-dozen Boulder County volunteer ecostewards have noted distribution of birds, mammals, herps, and butterflies in more than 20 adopted areas.

Conservation Corner
In the time of the novel coronavirus, decision-making bodies on local environmental issues are all on hold while local and state governments concentrate on those parts of the crisis for which they have to assume responsibility.

Conservation Corner
Black-tailed prairie dogs once occupied a territory hundreds of miles wide, stretching from Mexico to Canada. We have now converted nearly all of that grassland to cropland for wheat, corn, other crops; pastures of European grasses; or paved it over for homes and shopping centers. We also introduced sylvatic plague (bubonic plague in humans), a disease that did not exist in North America and for which prairie dogs are not evolved to deal with.

Fluctuating Numbers of Wintering Raptors Reflect a Cold Northern Winter and a Locally Fractured Environment
Since 1983, volunteers with the Boulder County Nature Association have monitored winter raptors. Volunteers driving six survey routes throughout the plains of Boulder County detected more wintering raptors during 2018-19 than had been seen during any previous fall-winter season (15 October-15 March) of the 30-year study.
![First Documented Nesting of Boreal Owl in Rocky Mountain National Park [found on a BCAS Field Trip!]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/605774b62adaca3d245caad5/aa4579da-2ce9-4dc0-809c-70f9edbb5e29/BorealOwl.jpg)
First Documented Nesting of Boreal Owl in Rocky Mountain National Park [found on a BCAS Field Trip!]
On April 9th 2019, during an Owl Prowl Interludes with Nature field trip for Boulder County Audubon, we discovered a vocalizing Boreal Owl within Rocky Mountain National Park. I and a few of the participants even saw it enter a cavity and then quickly exit.

Reflections on a First Season of Bluebird Box Monitoring
This summer was a first for me; my family and I volunteered as Wildlife Monitors for the Boulder County Parks and Open Space Bluebird Nest Box Monitoring Program! Once every week or so, after breakfast, we would head out to the beautiful Bald Mountain and set off through the trees to check on the bird boxes and record observations.