Teen Naturalists: Winter Raptor Survey Trip Report
The group set out to survey raptors on the White Rocks Trail area on Sunday, November 17. It was a crisp, sparkling morning, with our always enthusiastic, knowledgeable group.
Although overall raptor numbers were lower than average, we enjoyed spectacular views of three mature bald eagles swooping low over our heads and tending a nest along Boulder Creek. We also saw a lone sandhill crane flying 30 feet above us, heading toward the mountains. For other raptors, we saw a Prairie Falcon and three Red-tailed Hawk. Northern Harriers usually frequent this area in winter but we saw none on this morning.
One of the newest members, Alec Erkan, has gorgeous photos of every snake and most of the reptiles and amphibians in Boulder County. We will be looking for opportunities for him to share these with our community.
The raptor survey group. Photo courtesy of Steve Jones.
To learn more about BCAS Teen Naturalists activities and find out when the next trips are, visit the Teen Naturalists webpage.