Fall Bird Migration in Colorado
Fall bird migration is underway across the state with Colorado's peak migratory activity happening during September nights. However, bright lights around homes and cities can disrupt this important annual phenomenon.
Please consider joining in taking personal action and in spreading the word about bird migration and the importance of limiting light pollution during this time. You can learn more about doing this on the Lights Out Colorado website.
Lights Out Alert showing areas of high migration over Colorado on August 27, 2021
Lights Out Colorado is part of the AeroEco Lab at Colorado State University led by Dr. Kyle Horton. In addition to other research, this lab produces migration forecasts and alerts for Colorado and across the US. In their maps, you can see what the forecasted migration will be for the next three days or find out when peak migration is in your area. Their research also contributes to BirdCast in collaboration with The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Fall migration timing for Colorado from the AeroEco Lab at CSU.